Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When you get very excited for new adventures in your life........
When you want to include people that would benefit........
When you are open to sharing the ride........

go for it, ALWAYS TRY
if they are closed off to you, dont take it personally, you have done all you can

NEVER stop reaching, NEVER become jaded,
just know that when it is reciprocated, it was meant to be
then brace yourself for the roller coaster ahead

work hard, dream big and listen without judgement

Recently I have been offered many opportunities by DKN,
a company based on WHole BOdy ViBratIon.

As new possibilities came about all I could think of was how one of my brilliant friends would be perfect to include
This could be the next step in his process....to finally receive the recognition he deserves
be my "partner" in WORLD DOMINATION
How THIS was the reason we were brought into each other's lives
His methods with my studies of vibrational benefits.....UNSTOPPABLE!
but apparently I am not worth the time it would take....to teach me his methods
to give me a chance to learn and SHARE
instead of trusting, thought I would take and leave
instead it is quite the opposite
perhaps he has been effected by doing this for years

will this jade me to include "friends" in the future?
NO you cannot stop taking chances in life or with people
even if you have been burnt before...........i say it out loud, to myself and to him

1. you cannot stop taking chances
help it happen
2. allow yourself to let people in
3. don't be old and bitter
4. learned is not a word used by the brits


until then
be kind and view each experience without your past

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