song of the day "Dog Days Are Over"
and i feel it very appropriate given the weekend i had
but an newly obsessed with this Florence & the Machines' song
please listen while you read.........
obviously you can interpret the song in whatever way hits home to you
but the vibes i get from this song are of energy, it makes me smile
and feel like all the struggles are worth it.......i know where i am going
it is all part of my journey
you have to trust yourself, know that you can trust yourself
we will all end up right where we were meant to be
even though we may have strayed off the "chosen path"
why the hell arent we the ones that get to chose our own path!
be brave, get there the way you want to get there......
in the worlds of Michael Levine
"a fool with a plan, beats a wandering genius 100 times out of 100"

congrats to Micheal on the
3rd Anniversary his best-selling business book

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