Cardiorespiratory System & Kenetic Chain Relationship
If there is dysfunction in the cardiorespiratory system there will be movement dysfunction.
shallow breathing or upper chest breathing, becomes habitual
repetitively breathing this way causes overuse of the diaphragm or secondary muscles
like: scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae & upper traps
because of the use of these secondary muscles and their kinetic chain relationship with the cervical and cranial portions of the body
- light headedness, headaches, dizziness
- poor sleep patterns
- poor circulation
- imbalanced oxygen carbon dioxide ratios in the blood
- inadequate oxygen can retain metabolic waste within the muscles = fatigue & stiffness
- altered joint motion of the spine and ribs
....will occur
usually altered breathing patterns are due to anxiety or stress
take a look at these pictures above
have you ever been stressed or anxious and felt a stiffness in any of these places?
you may not have noticed, but when placed in stressful situations your oxygen intake changes.....which results in tension in these locations
maybe the whole count to ten deep breath rule really does have some substance to it!
research on the healing powers of the breath are remarkable
I have had violent migraines in my lifetime,
always have had pain in my ribs when trying to take deep breaths
i became a shallow breather some where along the line
and my body over compensated for it.
then, when i needed to take deeper breaths when dancing or running
i wouldn't be able too, and would experience pain
resulting in, as luck would have it
anxiety due to my lack of performance capabilities
life is just a vicious circle aint it folks?!
i have always joked about my "baby lungs"
but your oxygen intake has a HUGE effect on your physical capabilities
if your muscle does not obtain enough oxygen it cannot perform,
if your brain does not receive enough oxygen you will get light headed or even faint.
DO YOU THINK THAT.......due to my scoliosis and lack of rib
& spinal motion I could have became a shallow breather?
maybe i already had the stiffness and the reactions were in reverse
leading to anxiety and shallow breathing?
IMAGE, that you were taught to breathe correctly, breathe deeply
how would that change your posture, your moods, your health?
what aspects of YOUR life will change with better breathing patterns?
THERE HAVE BEEN LINKS/STUDIES based on anxiety being a childhood onset of asthma
anxiety do to a feeling of lack of attention or neglect
retrain yourself
put the time in and it can change your life
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