VENICE, CA is a very colorful place.
Not just the graffiti, but the people, the activities & the overall energy.
You cannot beat the weather, but sometimes the craziness can be a lot to handle.
When I started building my brand on the East Coast, I wasn't sure if I was going to look back.
Owning a business & living on Market Street in the heart of the VENICE BEACH had its perks but mostly the tourism had taken its toll on me.
I took my pup on a trip to NJ for 3 weeks.
We spent all of our time up in the woods, with the deer, bear & turkey.
A slightly different lifestyle than Southern California.
When the time came to come back to LA,
I really didn't want to leave the quiet & calm nest I have build on the East Coast.
The day we touched down after that 5 1/2 hour plane ride,
I got that feeling,
The feeling you can only get in California.
And then it hit me.
I am a beach baby, a freckle faced, sand in between my toes,
There is more mayhem than most other beach cities,
but hell, that makes it exciting!
We really do have the best of both worlds.
The beach with access to a big city.
There are so many different types of people with ranging passions
& a dedication to building something new.
Always looking for the next best thing.
Yes, that can be exhausting,
but it is innovative and inspiring at the same time.
As I reflect back on my experience thus far,
I could not change a thing.
There have been many things
that I have been through that weren't pleasant.
Of the most important things that I have learned
over 12 years of Southern California living,
is that you cannot plan for your life.
Things come and go,
and there are surprises around every corner.
You have to be in the right place at the right time...
for the right lesson to find you.
I am thankful for VENICE to have taught me all of the colorful lessons to date.
Sometimes you need to take a step back to appreciate all that is in front of you.
Venice is my home. I can safely say, no matter where life takes me I will always come back for more.