Saturday, August 31, 2013

how do DATES effect your BLOOD SUGAR

i am currently putting the final touches on the #ALPHA SWEETS baking book

revising recipes, adding spices & checking baking times
taste testing is one of my favorite parts.......

while enjoying one of my VEGAN banana muffin tops, i wondered what would it do for the taste to add a few chopped dates into the mix. the result was a sweeter, more texturized treat.  i had to stop my self.  if the sweetness has increased that much, what is the effect this treat has on your BLOOD SUGAR?
what i found on my journey of informative reading was
A) most dates i consume are grown locally = BONUS
B) they DO NOT effect your blood sugar levels

DATES are a low glycemic food.  some tests have shown that they do NOT send diabetics into blood sugar spikes!  they are loaded with fiber, so not only do they add to your tastebuds, but dates aid in colon cleansing (had to do it).  fiber definitely keeps nature flowing but also lowers your cholesterol.  it does this because dates are an insoluble fiber, which means they bind to fat & cholesterol to carry it out of the body. #yippie

bring on the DATES!!!!!!
as well as other natural sweeteners i use in ALPHA SWEETS such as 
cranberries, raisins, dried cherries, apples, coconut & maple syrup

for ordering & recipes


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