• amylase – breaks down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars which are prevalent in potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and many snack foods
• lactase – breaks down lactose (milk sugars)
• diastase – digests vegetable starch
• sucrase – digests complex sugars and starches
• maltase – digests disaccharides to monosaccharides (malt sugars)
• invertase – breaks down sucrose (table sugar)
• glucoamylase – breaks down starch to glucose
• alpha-glactosidase – facilitates digestion of beans, legumes, seeds,
roots, soy products, and underground stems
• protease – breaks down proteins found in meats, nuts, eggs, and cheese
• pepsin – breaks down proteins into peptides
• peptidase – breaks down small peptide proteins to amino acids
• trypsin – derived from animal pancreas, breaks down proteins
• alpha – chymotrypsin, an animal-derived enzyme, breaks down proteins
• bromelain – derived from pineapple, breaks down a broad spectrum of proteins, has anti-inflammatory properties, effective over very wide pH range
• papain – derived from raw papaya, broad range of substrates and pH, works well breaking down small and large proteins
• lipase – breaks down fats found in most dairy products, nuts, oils, and meat
• cellulase – breaks down cellulose, plant fiber; not found in humans
WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT.....Weight Loss Drugs that effect your absorption of fatThey support your weight loss efforts by preventing 25% of the fat that you eat from being absorbed, which means with alli you can lose up to 50% more weight than you would from dieting alone.Does that sound right to you?A person is reportedly limited to 15 grams of fat per meal, and if they go over (or even if they don't), there's a significant chance they'll find themselves out behind a shopping center somewhere, crying and clutching a wad of horrifyingly soiled undergarments, searching for a place to ditch it.when reserching the side effects of this product i can across this site, and now am trying with all my might not to burst into a violent fit of laughter in teh middle of a busy gym in times square.the magic happens at about the 6th paragraphHYSTERICALword to the wise.....natural is betteryou need healthy fat to balance your mealsthese "diets" that used NO CARBS/NO FATare for the birds......or better yet unhealthyEVERYTHING IN MODERATIONstay away fromPreservativesPackagedand Processed foodsif you have a reaction in your trousersto dairy, wheat or anything elselook into a digestive enzymeTHAT IS IF YOU DONT WANT TO ELIMINATE ENTIRELYLISTEN TO YOUR BODYDONT LET YOUR BRAIN TAKE OVER(or our own stench)
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