When faced with fear or stress in our past, many of us had the auto response of holding our breath. Unknowingly this response locks these experiences within the body where many are carried to this day. A skilled Breathwork practitioner can allow us to release old fears, blocks or emotions that we may have kept locked within for decades. Many of us have grown accustomed to fatigue and stress. We simply grow to accept malaise or diminished vitality as natural and part of what it is to be alive. Intentional Breathwork can reverse this belief by bringing about greater vitality and our innate expansion of health and well-being. Breathwork also triggers profound emotional releases, which in turn help our body to heal. These sessions put us in a conscious awareness of our inhale and exhale, raising our vibration, replenishing the body and leaving us feeling a greater sense of calm and contentment. Clients report their sessions bring about greater clarity, a deeper sense of aliveness, a lightness or buoyancy and a more palpable awareness of their own joyful and loving nature. I am so thankful to Mr Michael Baker, for taking me EVEN deeper into my journey I first attended breathwork @ THE HUB in August of 2010 It has such a profound effect on me Something had been awoken/released from my body that i apparently had been holding onto How did that just happen? Was that really inside of me? I cannot believe that it took me 6 months to return to this practice When I did, I found Michael I brought along with me someone that i care deeply for His practice had quite an amazing impact as well Since then, he has become an avid student & is now putting in the time to become a facilitator himself! This experience/knowledge will take him to the next level of helping heal people both in body & spirit More friends have joined and each leave with an awakening Though all of us have a different experience We all agree, these breathwork guys.....ARE ON TO SOMETHING This class facilitated by Michael, can take you to that deeper consciousness he has lead me down the path to a stronger meditation we have worked together one of one and delved deeper into why i experience the practice i do it is so fascinating to break down the human psyche let alone your psyche LET'S BREAK THE PATTERNS LET'S ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE AT PEACE LOVE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CAN BE OF SERVICE TO OTHERS LOVE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CAN BE ATTENTIVE IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER LOVE YOURSELF CAUSE THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT IN THIS WORLD THAN YOU |
Sunday, April 24, 2011
"Changing your breath, can change your condition."
thank you for all your SHIT
i am very thankful to be where i am at this very moment in time
when i was doing cardio on friday i was thinking about the journey that has gotten me here
i just so happened to be listening to "Coming Home" from Country Strong
it really made me think
we go through SO MUCH BULLSHIT to "find" happiness
when all we had to do was create it for ourselves
i guess that is one of the many life lessons that we will come across
it's not how your tshirt looks on your body
or if you are the smartest one in the room
maybe you thought you needed be the center of attention to feel fulfilled
(word of the day is SHIT, and my lucky number is 7, lets go for it)
what really made you happy
when you were longing for approval from others that were doing the same?
i have spent way too much time in the mirror
i have spent years of my life trying to make other people happy,
make sure they liked me, or think i was perfect
being a dancer, we were judged compettivly from a young age
that I LOVED....it made me work hard
growing up competitive, without being arrogant was something i was proud of
i am thankful to my parents & teachers for that
to know your talent without judging others is something that is much easier to learn as a child
i do remember a day that changed my life's path
i was a 17 yr old dancer, at the top of my category
it was going to be my year
my heart was in it, but my head was using the brain of a teenage girl
i wanted to go hang out with my boyfriend instead of being in ballet class
i was the typical self involved little SHIT adolescent girl
because i wasnt there for ballet class,
and still had the talent and admiration from my teachers, and fellow dancers
the PARENTS of the other children decided it was up to them
to prove a point
and be.....refer to the picture above :)
thinking of this day makes me tear up
I WISH that at the age of 17 i could have understood that i am stronger than words
that i was strong enough to be my own person, love what i do and DO IT
no matter who tried to take me down
as i took the stage in at the beginning of the 2000 competition season
i could feel the people packing into the ballroom of the Sheritan Hotel in Rutherford, NJ
everyone got to size up the competitors for the that year
most of the standing room was the mothers of my fellow dancers
their eyes burning into the back of my head
i heard to room fall silent
as i performed i was aware of them watching me
i could not dissapear into my emotions where i normally let my dancing take me
i was too aware of the judgement.....for the first time in 10 years
these adult women....mothers.....judging me, and my parents we not there
i had pushed them away, by telling them i didnt NEED them there
but i needed allies
when my solo was over, out of breath and somewhat pleased with my performance
i waited for the award ceremony with my friend and now big time choreographer
at dance competitions when the awards are given out
all of the dance studios and their performers sit on the stage
so when called they dont have to run through the crowd
they can stand and be handed their trophy
my studio sat, in a circle that didnt technically include me
they girls had all made it quite clear that thier mothers opinions had soaked in
....the awards were now over for the group dances and it was on to the soloists
a lesson in team work
you support each other
each person that was awarded i clapped and whistled for, NO MATTER WHAT my personal feelings were
the studio as a whole, parents included cheered with each number called
finally it was time to hear how i did
as i was awarded a gold medal & highest score for my category
i walked in silence to receive my trophy
i felt the tears well up in my eyes
and that was the last time i ever performed as a competitive dancer
having achieved all that i have to this point forward
i KNOW, that you cannot let what others think affect you
having gone through a very rough period of my life there after
struggling with anxiety and self confidence issues i really want to express to you
how important it is to stick up for yourself, and LOVE the SHIT outta everything about YOU
embrace your choices, you personality
your body, your skin
what you believe in and what you hold dear to you
be strong in knowing that you are exactly who you are supposed to be
life will take you toward the lessons you are meant to learn
i am thankful that i developed thick skin
i wish it happened a lot quicker, and i knew sooner that i would come out the other side
but never the less
i am strong
i am confident
i am a teacher
i am a mentor
a lover
a sister
a daughter
and a friend
i approach each situation as a new
and will never let some SHIThead tell me that I CANNOT DO SOMETHING
do what you love
treat people with respect
you dont have to agree with everyone
just respect that they too, are entitled to an opinion
be a role model
lead by example
and not the F-ed up mothers
that spead rumors about a 17 year old girl that was trying to find her confidence
and create a character for herself
instead you can teach, yourself and those around you
that you need to look inside
find out why the hell you are so judgmental
and work on yourself
where you are now ladies?
where are your kids
hum? probably still talking shit about hard working passionate kids at dance competitions
i do believe i am the one LAUGHING NOW
call me if you need a job
i might consider doing you a solid
thank you for the life lesson
*and yes i got all 7 in if you decided to keep up with my lil game
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
food REHAB
you know that feeling when you just cant stop yourself
from reaching for that cookie or that piece of chocolate?
why is this happening, "i have been able to avoid it before?"
dont you fret your pretty little noggin
this behavior is COMPLETELY normal
i am reading about our nations weight problem in
new fad diets are always developed
but the cause of the overeating:
the abuse of your bodies, is rarely communicated
how did we ORIGINALLY lose control of our eating?
what set us off? why do we need the comfort?
why do we think we DESERVE a reward?
"readjusting your expectations about food requires gaining new perspective."
we lose track of what we need to feel satisfied
have you ever noticed that while you are eating dinner your mind is already on dessert?
no bueno....ding...stop that
can gaining a sense of control be its own reward?
reconstructing our environment
& strengthening our behavior
to support our new learning
& pursuit of rewards
would you like to know the steps,
the process known as
SHALL WE......
1. conditioned hypereating (CH) is a biological challenge, not a character flaw. recovery is impossible until we stop viewing overeating as an absence of willpower.
2. treating CH means recognizing it as a chronic problem that needs to be managed, not one that can be completely cured.
3. every time we act on our desire for sugar, fat & salt, and earn a reward as a result, it becomes harder for us to act differently the next time.
we have a cue-urge-reward-habit cycle
4. the lose of control that characterizes CH is magnified by diets that leave us feeling deprived
5. new learning can stick only when it generates a feeling of satisfaction. we cant sustain a change in behavior if it leaves us hungry, unhappy, angry, or resentful
6. restoring control over eating requires us to take a comprehensive approach, one that has many interlocking steps. to gain the upper hand, we need strategies that address the multiple behavior, cognitive, and nutritional elements of CH
7. eventually we can begin to think differently about food, recognize its value to sustain us and protect us from hunger & denying it the authority to govern our lives.
habits arent easy to change
so be patient
but listen to your body
& notice how certain foods make you feel
notice your energy dips & spikes
you must replace chaos with structure
we all know that a planned meal is better than a last minute
pull over to the side of the road
because we are starving, type of deal
PLAN THINGS, make your energy and your body a priority
appropriate foods
satsifying foods
enjoyable foods
execution works best with strategy/mental rehearsal
cognitive & motivational benefits
envision strategies, routines & game plans before execution
enhance you sense of competence & self confidence
reduce anxiety
stay focused
....basically rehearsal reduces the chaos
stay out of high risk environments
implant your intentions
be focused on the task at hand, not external stimuli
solidify your commitment
maintain control over your thoughts
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Krill Oil is the oil harvested from antarctic krill, a shrimp like crustacean that lives deep in the ocean. Scientists and doctors have discovered that ingesting this oil can have amazing affects on your body including a stronger heart, pain-free joints, a better mood, lower cholesterol, easier menstruation and overall better health.
Krill oil is a miraculous discovery from the deep pure waters of Antarctica that literally beats the pants off fish oil. When tested head to head by an independent laboratory our Krill oil was found to be 54x more powerful in antioxidant activity than fish oil!
Specialists from many countries declare that the real delicacy is the intact shell-free tail meat – which as you might guess, is also the most difficult to obtain.
krill inhabits the oceans off the West coast of Vancouver Island, Russia, Ukraine and Japan (besides Antarctica).
this supplement like, flaxseed oil, fish oil & moxxor will improve your overall health
moxxor, from the new zealand mussel, is about 80 times more potent than fish oil
fish oil is more potent than flaxseed
so that means that krill oil is stronger than regular fish oils
all of which are beneficial so DO WHAT YOU CAN!
100% Pure Cold Pressed Antarctic Krill Oil
Monday, April 11, 2011
sometimes we forget and let life's journey over shadow the amazing gifts we have already been given, and that we carry with us each day
i was watching the RECRUIT the other night
and all the handsome Colin Farrell kept repeating was
"EVERYTHING is a test"
why do we take ourselves so seriously
why does spilling water cause the adrenaline in our bodies to overflow
we put to much emPHASis on the wrong syllAble
our days should not be about the little things that go wrong
but the fact that we woke up, have jobs, healthy friends & families
and have a home to wake up in
i think today should be the day that we all make a list
or say out loud
all the things that we are grateful for
my god.....when is it going to sink in that my dreams are coming true
i am opening my own 3200 SQFT gym in VENICE CA
my family is healthy
chuka do, my own personal skooby, is my love & best friend
& i receive free SNEAKERS IN THE MAIL for goodness sake!
but seriously
i, like most women (i say women, cause we admit it) struggle with body image
more so years ago, than now, but never the less I DO
ladies, i beg of you,
when you find yourself staring at your pores (Quinn) in the mirror
or squeezing that extra bit of summin summin from a body part
we all age, there is a story behind each line and freckle
is in these stories, in the comfort of your confidence
no matter what shape or size
i can smile (on days i remember this) at the 10 lbs i have gained
because, the way this happened was fantastic
i fell in love
i ate pancakes
we shared sweet potato fries
i baked & tasted :)
i allowed myself to sit on the couch.....and sink into his arms
allowed myself to let someone in
i got lost in my work
in working so hard on opening my studio
i shortened my workouts to fit in all my clients & meetings
happiness made me this way
i wouldnt change those experiences for anything in the world
why would i want to?
because i dont look like a barbie doll?
all there is to do is giggle with the stories i have created
& get back on track
stay dedicated to my work
and understand that my business & relationship is not what it could be
if i were putting myself first
smile, get my ass on the step mill and fire up the GD george forman grill
life has its fluctuations
why can't i?
we live in a time where we can do anything
be anything we want to be
all we have to do is work hard
when they say, blood sweat & tears
they arent joking!!!
but you do have to take yourself out of the equation once and a while
slow your roll
and look at how far you have come
soak it up and be proud of yourself
some of my friends from high school
already have beautiful families,
some are doctors,
some are struggling, but REACHING for what they want for their lives
be grateful for what you have and where you are
know that you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer
you have to trust & believe in yourself
no one can do it for you
once you start tapping into the brilliance that is your own personal power
people will notice, they will be drawn to you
things will start to happen
the trick is, that you cannot look/search for your power-
for your strength or your purpose
you have to BE
and get lost in everyday's elegance and possibility
laugh at the curve balls that are thrown your way
pick yourself up and flip em the bird
but dont ever make excuses for yourself
you are the only one that can choose what you want for your life
and you do HAVE THE CHOICE
where you are today, is due to choices you have made
and as they say in VANILLA SKY
"every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around"
like the movie SLIDING DOORS
on decision can change your life
if you follow your heart, it will be the "right" one
listen to your intuition
love from as deep inside of you as you can
speak your mind
have compassion
and reach of the mother f#%*in stars ladies & gents
be thankful to be here and now